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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Fat loss tips for beginners

      Fat loss journey requires a strict tracking of calories and regular workout.  Many beginners enter into a fitness journey to reduce their excess amount of body fat.  Some are misguided to follow wrong fitness concepts and did not get the expected results or worse get affected.  So, beginners must proceed with a clear-cut knowledge of their journey.  In a fat loss journey, some general tips help a lot to achieve the goal in a simple and right way.  A person who wishes to lose fat, but if he is not able to follow a strict diet and do workouts, he could follow these simple tips to reduce body fat over a period of time.

Basic tips to lose excess body fat:

Reducing the quantity intake of sugar:

     Sugar plays a massive role in determining your loss of body fat.  If a person is on a fat loss journey and consumes sugar without any limitation it is very hard to lose fat.  Consumption of more sugar reduces your insulin hormone level which would lead to slow down your body's metabolism rate and slow down your fat loss process.

Limit your carbohydrate intake:

     Your body requires carbohydrates to generate energy to perform any activity.  So, limiting your carbohydrate intake will limit your energy generation.  So that your body can use your excess amount of fat to convert it into energy and thereby you can perform activities.  But, this does not mean that you must eliminate your carbs.  Your carbs must be limited and not be eliminated.

Drink more water:

     A strong myth has been spread among the people that if you do exercises or if you engage in a fitness journey you must drink only a little amount of water.  This is absolutely wrong! Water contains zero calories and can refresh you and give you energy.  So, you can drink more water during your fat loss journey.  A general concept is that caloric deficit makes a fat loss.  So this implies that you can drink more water during your fat loss process because it contains zero calories.

More progressive overload:

     Cardio alone does not burn calories.  The thing is that cardio targets only burning more calories and increasing stamina.  But, burning calories can also be done through weight training.  Weight training can also burn calories equal to cardio.  On the other hand, weight training also builds strength and can also lead to body recomposition.

More protein:

     Protein consumption is another key thing to lose an excessive amount of body fat.  You must consume at least 1g of protein to 1kg of your body weight to maintain your fitness level.  If your goal is to build muscle you must consume 2g of protein to 1kg of your body weight.  You must meet your protein intake in every day's calorie consumption.

     These are some general fat loss tips that anyone can follow even if you are a beginner or advanced.  Following these tips can improve your fat loss process.

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Teenager, student, fitness lover, gym addict, fitness influencer.