Are you training your body to build muscle or to lose excess fat? Are you not achieving your goal even you work hard a lot? This may be because of your genetic body type. Yes! As you know your genetics can play a key role in the muscle building as well as fat loss. The primary factor which would decide your goal achievement is your body type. Humans are born with any one of the general body types based on their genetics. The 3 body types are Ectomorph, Endomorph, and Mesomorph. All human beings can be categorized in any of these 3 body types.
What is Ectomorph?
Ectomorph is a body type that defines people who are lean and look skinny. The people who fall under this body type are generally tall, skinny and would contain a less amount of body fat percentage. Ectomorphs will not get huge and excess fat even though they eat a lot. This is because their body's metabolism rate will be high so, the body will not store fat in the body. And most importantly ectomorphs would feel difficult to build muscle. Yes! Ectomorphs cannot build muscle in the short run like the other 2 body types. Muscle building would be a difficult task for ectomorphs. So, if they follow a proper a perfect muscle building diet and workout properly in long run they can build muscle. Ectomorphs generally would have visible abs as their body fat percentage would be maintained low. Ectomorphs should not train more than 4 days per week because generally, their metabolism rate would be high and if you tend to overtrain yourself you cannot build muscle.
What is Endomorph?
Endomorph is another body type that defines people who are fat and obese. The endomorphs would look fat, have normal height, and would be obese i.e., their body will store a high amount of fat. 50% of the people fall under this endomorph category. Endomorphs would look round-shaped. Endomorphs would have a low metabolism rate so, their body would feel difficult to burn fat. Endomorphs would not have visible abs unless they follow a perfect diet and workout to lose body fat.
Fat loss and visible abs would be a difficult task for an endomorph. Their body fat percentage would usually be high based on their genetics and could reduce it by following a proper diet and workout. Once the endomorphs bring their body fat percentage down, they must try to maintain the same with their diet and workout. If they fail to continue, the body would automatically start storing excess fat as it is the general characteristic of endomorphs.
What is Mesomorph?
Finally, Mesomorph is a rare type of body. Only 20% of the people would fall under this category. Mesomorphs naturally look muscular with normal height and small waist. This body type would be a birth gift from genetics. Mesomorphs can easily build muscle or loss fat in the short run. Generally, they would have a body fat percentage around 15% - 20%. Mesomorphs can build muscle easily with a normal muscle-building diet with even home workouts. Yes! their body could react tremendously even for home workouts. Mesomorphs will look fit and muscular even if they do not enter into fitness and diet.
These are the 3 body types. Find out in which category you fall and start your fitness career to reach your goal accordingly. Each body type's muscle-building plan and tips will be discussed further.
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